Overcoming the Technical Challenges of Business IT

We are undoubtedly in the Golden Age of IT, and many businesses have embraced the benefits of hybrid solutions and Cloud technology. However, as innovation marches forward relentlessly, many companies struggle to keep up with digital transformation.

smiling man working

What are the main challenges?

There are many aspects to digital transformation in business IT, but the common pain points are shared among most companies. So, what are the main challenges that businesses will face?

  • Increased cyber threats. As business IT develops, so does the cunning and innovation of cyber criminals trying to find gaps in your cybersecurity. According to a Cybersecurity Ventures report, the global costs of cybercrime are expected to rise by 15% annually over the next 3 years, reaching a staggering $10.5 trillion USD by 2025.
  • Finding skilled professionals. The increase in cyber threats combined with the advances in technology lead to another challenge: finding IT staff with the advanced skills you need. The shortage in skilled professionals does not only leave your company vulnerable, but it also stifles your growth opportunities.
  • Relying on legacy systems. Using outdated technology is a problem now, and it will be a problem in the future. The progress of digital transformation means a continuous influx of newer, safer solutions and failing to upgrade will leave your IT open to potential threats. Not to mention that relying on legacy systems also tends to include redundant workflows that could be automated, saving you valuable time.
  • Untangling the net of compliance. There is a seemingly endless list of regulations your company might have to comply with, depending on a multitude of factors. (GDPR, for example, are 4 letters many businesses dread). Ensuring you are compliant with all the relevant regulations is necessary, as non-compliance can lead to financial and reputational damage.
  • Change management. Arguably the biggest challenge when it comes to transformation in business IT is change management. Potential incurred costs of switching established systems and re-training their employees when they are already used to working with their current systems prove to be a less-than-ideal prospect for business leaders.
  • Competing in a saturated market. Adding to all the previously mentioned challenges is the fact that the market is more than saturated. Clients can easily find an alternative, so standing out amongst competition in order to attract new clients and retain existing ones has become a major challenge for many businesses.

It is safe to say that the upcoming challenges for business leaders are not going to get easier any time soon. The expectations of the modern workforce and the need of specialist technical experts are hardships that will confront you. So, what can you do to keep your business IT ahead of the curve without straining your IT department and putting unnecessary challenges on the rest of your team?

The benefits of outsourcing your business IT

Working with a Managed Service Provider offers you many advantages. But the bottom line is you leave your IT in the hands of experts and free up your valuable time to do what is most important for your business—your work.

A good IT provider will be focused on your specific business objectives and tailor their offering and service to your individual needs. Long gone are the days of just fixing what is broken: your partner should help you overcome your business IT challenges by proactively identifying potential gaps and making sure your IT infrastructure is robust.

There are countless benefits of outsourcing your business IT to a Managed Service Provider. At Blue Saffron, it is our mission to help our partners increase productivity and extract the full potential of their IT. If you want to find out more about working with an MSP, download our infographic showing the benefits and drawbacks of inhouse versus outsourced IT.

inhouse vs outsourced battlecard

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