How the charity sector might use technology better to help support the document management challenge presented by changes in data security.

Don’t Think About Tech First

It’s no secret that one of Blue Saffron’s specialities and passions is working with the not-for-profit sector. We spend a lot of time networking and engaging with bodies who collaborate within the third sector.

At a most recent meeting, held by the Charity Finance Group, we discussed the need to align IT function with corporate objectives.

Many of the charities in attendance had attempted to address this but didn’t know where to begin. Tellingly, the charity who felt they had most success was lucky enough to have a retired tech entrepreneur as a trustee. They had an expert to hand.

The other charities were unsure where to begin but fully understood that they would be left behind if they could not meet their objectives in the efficient way that IT allows.

Thereby goes my advice. Don’t start by considering what tech you need. Start by listing your corporate goals.

This seems ridiculously simplistic and common sense but, assuming my readers are not tech specialists, this is what you know. You have a thorough understanding of your goals so start there. In the end, that is how you avoid purchasing solutions you do not need.

After listing your prime objectives. Break these down into what’s required to achieve them. Still, no tech needed.

IT allignment for charities with Blue Saffron

Example One

Objectives: To be a trusted charity the public want to donate to

Necessary actions to achieve this:

  • Have a strong brand presence
  • Have a process in place to respond to communications promptly and correctly
  • Work efficiently
  • Assist staff in collaboration
  • Keep data secure
  • Have multiple secure, donation options


Example Two

Objective: attract and retain the best staff and volunteers

Necessary actions to achieve this:

  • Have a strong brand presence
  • Offer staff work flexibility to compete with higher salaries in different sectors
  • Provide facilities for collaboration
  • Optimise workforce operations
  • Automate specific functions (to be listed)

And so on and so forth. The absolute most sensible next step is to consult with an IT professional on how these can be achieved.

You aren’t going into a meeting blind. You have more independence. You have more control. You have more knowledge. You simply wish for a quote on solutions which will carry out these particular, required functions.

The great thing is that it is easier than ever to get things in place. No costly initial payments or purchases. Most businesses now pay for these solutions monthly. You are only paying for what you use, you can upsize or downsize as the need arises, you don’t have the cost of housing or maintaining hardware, and you always have experts to hand.

I know from many customers that they are initially anxious about going on an IT journey and particularly outsourcing, but this isn’t about losing control; it’ about taking control.

Competition and donor expectation is now so stiff that not taking this path is the far scarier option.

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