Anticipate and prevent security threats, 24/7

IT security threats are ever-present. And the impact of an IT security breach, should it occur, is significant for any businesses, no matter its size. Operationally, your business can be brought to a standstill; commercially your reputation can be left in tatters; and financially you are open to large fines for data breaches. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) allows for fines of up to 4% of global turnover or €20M, whichever is higher.

Hackers work around the world and around the clock. Viruses can spread through networks at speed and any flaws in your systems can become quickly exploited. On top of this, your staff may be accessing business applications and systems on multiple devices, in multiple locations, at all times of the day. That makes them vulnerable unless proper protection is in place.

This is the context in which your IT security needs to operate. As much as there is great value in auditing your IT systems regularly, the reality is that IT security is a 24/7 activity. Your technology and networks need monitoring, your anti-virus software must be up-to-date, data needs to be secure, new regulations need adhering to and processes need to be in place to mitigate computer risks and human errors. In brief, it’s a false economy not to manage your IT security intelligently and professionally.

Blue Saffron have been able to take our IT support up to a different level in terms of response times and stability of service. This was achieved within the first two to three weeks of our engagement.

Brad Gambetta | Dame Kelly Holmes Trust

Blue Saffron Managed IT Security Services

Given the disruptive nature and potential cost of an IT breach, IT security is a critical component to the IT managed services we provide. Security and compliance need factoring in to all parts of your IT estate. With Blue Saffron, both are front of mind whether we’re designing infrastructure, delivering IT projects or ensuring the correct support and backup is in place.

Our customers rely on us to be vigilant, whether we are working alongside an in-house IT team or fully managing their IT services. Our managed IT security services include round-the-clock monitoring, management of intrusion detection systems and firewalls, overseeing patch management and upgrades, performing security assessments and security audits, and responding to emergencies. We manage all aspects of your security:

  • Endpoint protection – ensuring desktop, laptops and mobile devices, are secure, free of viruses and that operating systems are robust


  • Web threat protection – a high proportion of data threats come from visiting compromised websites so we manage risky behaviour and provide pro-active threat detection


  • Email security solutions – spam management, active detection of malicious code and applying secure measures to incoming and outgoing messages


  • Remote working Soluion – work from anywhere with confidence by deploying data loss protection, cloud access security brokers providing full visibility across all employee cloud-based applications, and mobile device management
  • Software, system and application management – real time patches and updates to ensure the latest, most secure services are running on your network


  • Data management and protection – a multi-pronged approach to keep your data safe such as user authentication, data encryption and device protection


  • Monitoring and reporting – hardware, applications, networks and systems are equipped with detection and notification processes to mitigate security breaches and provide early warning of potential threats


Managed IT Security with Blue Saffron

Work with Blue Saffron

Managing your IT security and compliance around the clock

Blue Saffron has been helping companies meet security challenges for more than ten years. Our experienced security experts can bring detailed insight and intelligence to support your in-house team, or we can fully manage your IT security.

IT security management can be expensive. As our security services are embedded in our managed services offering, many customers find that we offer an extremely affordable way of keeping their IT secure and compliant.


If you want to discuss a specific security issue or understand how we can improve your IT security, please contact us today or talk to one of our team on 0844 560 0202.

Blue Saffron’s IT Security Services provide comprehensive peace of mind for your business

IT Security & Compliance

A service to help reduce your vulnerability to cybercrime and empower you to become compliant.

Managed Security Services

A fully managed IT security service to protect your hardware and software integrated with backup and recovery services in the event of a breach.

Security Strategy & Consultancy

Assistance for companies to prepare, protect, detect, respond and recover along all points of the security lifecycle.

Cyber Essentials

The advice and guidance needed to achieve the government’s Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditations.

Security Testing & Audits

Assesses the security status and risks facing your business, reviews how well you comply with regulations and advises you on what changes to infrastructure and services are required.

Cybersecurity Training & Awareness

Keep security top of mind of users with our integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform.

We work with industry leading vendors

TALK TO US | 0844 560 0202
