Rethinking Your Customer Experience The holy grail for any company is customer satisfaction. Get that right and loyalty inevitably follows. As lockdown restrictions were implemented and any semblance of normality disappeared, businesses had to react to unforeseen implications on a daily basis. It would be true to say that some have fared much better than others. What happened through lockdown? Companies with a more agile outlook were quick to implement new pricing policies, discounting practices, order tracking and more, while keeping customer-facing applications and back office systems updated in a matter of hours. Others were not so nimble and took days, if not weeks to make key changes, leaving customers dealing with ill-prepared contact centres, malfunctioning websites and unanswered queries. The exodus of employees to home-based working showed glitches and short falls in IT setups that required quick thinking and strategic solutions. BSL were able to ensure that critical customer-facing and support systems were accessible and performant. Online trading expanded rapidly as social distancing was established and support of the community, NHS and worker well-being took on a critical role within companies’ mindset, shaking up how businesses needed to respond to keep customers happy. What is happening now? Adaptation has been the game changer where businesses have adopted best practice to changing customer behaviours. Technology has played a key role in the customer experience. Three preeminent customer engagement themes have come to the fore: 1. Conversations. Customers want a more human conversation where there is a clear exchange of information, knowledge, and understanding. Collaborative platform like Microsoft Teams and Teams Voice have been key to supporting this experience. 2. Journey. Customers want and expect a clear, multi-channel journey with clear next steps, a clear process and a clear outcome. 3. Satisfaction. The customer has a need that they want fulfilled; regardless of the issues they want satisfaction. While nothing is set in stone, the enterprises that retain flexibility will inevitably preserve customer faith and longevity. With that in mind, 48% of respondents from our recently commissioned survey, ‘IT Leaders and Covid-19’, admitted that finding new ways to solve existing problems was essential to survival, it is where intelligent partnerships come into their own. Blue Saffron was swept up into the centre of the pandemic maelstrom as customer requests for support surged. Executing, in many cases, critical troubleshooting, the team found ways to reconfigure systems for cloud telephony customers, while Website and Customer Portals allowed Blue Saffron to enable real-time updates for those in need. Other projects included the relocation of a contractor payroll processing system to allow remote administration, for one recruitment consultancy. While a bespoke travel agent system, designed and supported by Blue Saffron, ensured excellent customer service for anxious travellers. While 41% of respondents admitted that survival was their greatest priority for the next 12 months, 36% felt that managing increased demands from their customers was crucial. What happens next? Customer behaviour has fundamentally changed over the past few months, which challenges the equilibrium across a whole range of sectors. The requirement now is for companies to understand and identify the customer trends and patterns which will endure in the long term. Companies who can get their hands on this insight can use it to adapt their customer experience, better support their customers through this time, and make the necessary changes to continue those relationships when all this is over. Digital engagement, safety and data analytics will all play a key role in delivering an exceptional customer experience. With 65% of respondents admitting that responsive and reliable support was the most important attribute of a supplier of technology services, Blue Saffron are well placed to provide all-round, value-for-money strategic expertise to safeguard the customer experience. Let us know how we can help you Further Information More about our Rremote Working Solution More about IT for Productivity More about IT and the Professional Services Sector More about Blue Saffron Be more productive with brilliantly managed IT TALK TO US | 0844 560 0202 CONTACT US How Are We Doing? Our service is proactive, robust and industry accredited. Customer Satisfaction - 98%Response time under 1hr - 95%First Contact Fix Rate 83% Related Articles