Security Awareness Training – Improving the Human Firewall We delve into the importance of Security Awareness Training in improving the human firewall against cyber threats. Discover the benefits, key components, and how it cultivates a security-conscious culture within organisations.
SharePoint Lists, Automation and Power Apps On-demand webinar Expand your M365 usage into SharePoint Lists, Automation tools and PowerApps.
Teams for collaboration and communication On-demand webinar Microsoft Teams benefits and how to use this valuable tool more efficiently.
Empowering Learning Find out how this recruitment business transformed it’s processes and systems to a best practice organisation
Technical Resources Learn how Blue Saffron transformed recruitment firm, Technical Resources’, IT infrastructure to focus on driving business forward rather than just maintaining it.
Case Study: Reducing costs and enabling growth for Antal Learn how Blue Saffron designed, deployed and managed a new global group-wide infrastructure platform for Antal to support their newly scaled and dispersed teams.
Morgan Hunt Learn how recruitment firm Morgan Hunt became more productive through managed infrastructure and providing improved end-user support.
Microsoft 365: The Art Of The Possible On-demand webinar Improve productivity, automation and build custom apps to benefit your business.